1. Do you have a fixed work schedule?
The official terminology says that we have flexible working hours. In practice, we need you to be available between 9 am and 3 pm, whether you are actually in the office or working from home. Still, we can talk about this. Would you like to come in later? Leave earlier? Talk to your team leader.

2. Should I be prepared to work shifts?
Some of our Customer Care teams do work shifts - morning and afternoon shifts and sometimes also have to pop in during the weekend (once or twice a month). But don't worry, we won't keep you here till midnight, even the afternoon shift starts at 11:30 am and wraps up at 7 pm. And you only have to work it from time to time. You shouldn't be surprised by now if we say that this too can be discussed with your team leader.

3. I don't need to clock in, right?
We are living in the 21st century and so we said NO to clocking in. Our system will automatically record the number of hours worked based on your contract. It will also count your lunch breaks so the only thing you need to do is record your sick days, the birthday day off and a vacation.

4. How do you feel about working from home?
We're all for it! The quarantine showed us that we can work remotely even long-term and it will be alright. There are no official company rules about working from home so you already know what to do - have a chat with your team leader and work from your bed if you want.

5. How many vacation days will you give me?
Unlimited! Each of our employees is entitled to the basic 20 days of vacation according to the law. Once they have used them up, they can take extra leave, which is not limited in number of days. It is important to us that the functioning of the team is not affected. And if this condition is respected, you can take as much holiday as you want!

6. Is there anywhere I can grab a bite with colleagues?
There are several restaurants and bistros within a walking distance from Webnode. American stakehouse Buffalo, Mitrovski offering a better take on traditional Czech cuisine, Ráj or Železná růže - all of these will keep your hunger at bay. Otherwise, there is a kitchen on every floor where you can heat up and eat your pre-packed lunch. Or have something delivered with Dáme jídlo and Wolt.

7. All the other companies offer me meal tickets. Do you?
Well, we don't have those and never will because they don't fit with our company culture. Instead, we try to come up with something different - free fruit at the office or weekly healthy food delivery via Freshbox.

8. I'll be driving to work, where can I park my car?
A bike or a motorcycle can be parked in the company garage anytime. Just let the HR girls or your team leader know. There are parking spots for cars on the street in front of our building, or at the parking area near Výstavište (BVV Trade Fairs Brno) if there's no trade fair happening at the moment.

9. My dog is very sad without me. Can I bring him to work?
Sure, but first, let your team leader and Denisa from the reception know.

10. I like to run or ride a bike to work. Can I take a shower in the building?
Yes, there is a shower on each floor.

11. Should I be nervous about my first day? What will it look like?
You'll kick off your first day with the HR girls. They will talk you through all the paperwork and explain how it goes in Webnode. That takes about an hour and after that a trainer will pick you up to show you around the building and say hi to your new colleagues. Then you'll start with the training. By the way, no need to pack food for the first day, the trainers will take you out for lunch.

12. What is the training going to be like?
Depends on the team you'll be joining. It lasts only two days for IT specialists and developers and you'll be introduced to Webnode products and learn the ins and outs of the company life. Training for marketing takes 4 days to include all the marketing and campaign information. The Customer Care department gets the longest training of all - 10 days. It makes sense because they need to know pretty much everything about Webnode. You'll learn how to communicate with customers to solve their requests and how to build your own website with Webnode to get to know our product. You'll also learn something about each of our departments
